


Cipriano Bortolato was born in Venice on 25 September 1961.
After attending, at the beginning of the eighties, the 106 ° Officers Course at the Alpine Military School of Aosta, in 1989 he graduated in architecture at the University Institute of Architecture in Venice (IUAV).
Subsequent to graduation and a first period dedicated to the profession has taken positions in public administration in the field of occupational safety and health in particular as regards the construction sites. In this sense the architectural production was quite limited.
Between 2008 and 2009, as an officer of the Army, participated in the NATO mission known as KFOR in Kosovo, as Project Officer (architect) of the G9-BRANCH Multi-National Task Force West.
This site is intended as a modest tribute to architecture, and the appendix on safety on construction sites will provide a useful contribution to the topic of design.
Currently plays the role of Officer (mountain infantry) functional Specialist Architect (reserve).
As a member of the National Alpine Association (ANA), was appointed Deputy President of the Group of Venice and Deputy Coordinator of the Civil Defense Unity. In continuity with the military experience is member of the Editorial Committee of the book series “L’Impronta degli Alpini”.



|  |  Ultima revisione martedì 30 luglio 2013 | ©  Cipriano Bortolato | Note legali |